I Love Shiny Objects.

My Story

Hello!  If we have not meet yet, I am Jenn.  I love shiny objects, lol.  I have always been drawn to rocks and nature. As a personal journey, I began exploring crystals, the spiritual, metaphysical, and for healing therapy.  It was then a real passion for crystals developed.  I started to really understand the possibilities that crystals have to offer and oh and did I mention I like shiny objects.

I am now a Certified Advanced Crystal Practitioner and Reiki Master and provide work for humans and animals. I did not take crystal training lightly; I am advanced certified by 2 separate academies, while I am currently enrolled in another for a yearlong program ending in December of 2022. During this year long program with my professor, I am studying crystals and practices from around the world. In January for instance, I studied Tibet and Tibetan practices and crystals. February I “traveled” into India, then March to Mexico, In April it was Brazil and May is off to Peru. Well, you get the gist of it all a full year of continued learning. I love learning all different aspects and wanted to make sure I had at least 3 different ways and input into crystal learning.

Truly my goal is to provide you with information gathered from classes, the internet and books on crystals and then provide quality crystals / stones and more that you would be proud to own, display or work with.

I offer distance healing with crystals, chakra alignment and Reiki, check out my services tab or reach out to me for specifics.

So welcome to my little Boutique, Crystal Me Up.  Enjoy browsing and shopping.  Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. Click Here to send me a message. 

  - Jenn

P.s. I dislike taking my picture but here it is, lol.